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What does the Glossary section do?

The Glossary section allows you to set up guidelines that will aid the localization of your content for you and members of your team while using Localizer's Visual Translator. 

While translating content using the Visual Translator, Glossary Notes may appear to notify the user about the preferred translation of a particular word or phrase. 


This is because either the translator, or another member of the team, has added this term to the Localizer Glossary. Doing this can improve the context of translations by adding translation preferences (pictured above) or by excluding certain words (such as names or brands) from being translated.

To access your Glossary, select it via the right-hand drop-down menu.


From here you will arrive on the Glossary menu where you can set-up the guidelines for how your content is translated. Select a language and set your Glossary Alerts by entering the original word or phrase followed by three consecutive hashkeys and the translated word you want it set to.

Once you are done press save and you're ready to go.


You can set up as many as you want. Just remember, you will have to organise the Glossary the same way for each language you have access to if you want the same Glossary structure for all your languages.

Glossary Alerts can be set up for words you do not want to be translated by selecting the Excluded Words tab and entering each word on its own line and clicking save once finished. Adding a word here will set up a Glossary Alert for every language you have access to.